The Daily News: Mr. DiJoseph successfully represented a family involved in a “cross-over” accident on Rockaway Boulevard in Queens, New York. The City of New York paid a $2.5 million settlement to the estate of a 35-year-old father of three, who was killed in the crash that also seriously injured two of his sons as well as his wife. After obtaining summary judgment on the issue of liability the case was settled before the trial on damages. The settlement was comprised of $2 million for the death case and $500,000 for the injuries to the wife and children.
The Brooklyn Paper: Our firm represented the estate of a teenager killed when a car he was a passenger in lost control and collided with a detached flatbed truck in Brooklyn. Of the seven teenage passengers, three were killed and four were seriously injured. The 18-year-old driver was sued in a civil action and also faced charges for which a hearing was held before the Department of Motor Vehicles. This case settled for $100,000, the full amount of insurance available.
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